Thursday, January 10, 2013

New Year 2013...10 days in

 What... no really.. I kid you not.

I have just gotten over the "Holiday Rush", got through the clean up and putting away just in time for some New Year Eve being in bed before Midnight, and the restart of school.  I was silly enough to think I would get a break. I crack myself up sometimes.

I have not made New Year Resolutions for a long time basically because they don't mean much to me. I find it easiest to break promises to myself then to anyone else. It is a little crazy, but so true.

For this blog I was going to include some New Year Blog entries that I had found. After reading them I have decided that we need a challenge not a resolution. We need to make changes that matter that will effect more than just us. 

I challenge you to surprise a neighbor/friend/parent with a dinner invitation.

I challenge you to take time to refresh your soul.

I challenge you to plan 1 meal a week for your family.

I challenge you to start a Christmas Jar.

I challenge you to do something for yourself and NOT feel guilty.

I challenge you to laugh more often.

I challenge you to notice something New in your daily routine.

I challenge you to help your kids get more involved with the family: plan a meal, help cook, clean, plan a family day.

I challenge you to Stop take a Breath and Open your Eyes on the days you feel like you CAN'T.

I challenge you to Try Something New.

I challenge you to Give a little more to help.

I challenge you to get to Know Yourself a little better.

I challenge you to Challenge Someone to do something Wonderful!


Some of these look easy and some more difficult, but they are open. They are open to possibilities.  They are open to living a fuller life if you are up for the challenge. The will help you grow, your family grow, your friends grow, and maybe even people you haven't met yet.  I have learned that little things can make the biggest changes even if we don't see the final result. 

May your year be full!

And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.