Do you ever think about where your
life may be in 1 year, 5 years, 10 years, 20 years, or 25 years? I know the
days are long and it can be difficult to see where you are going tomorrow , but
just try to envision yourself in the future. What will you be doing, how has your
family changed, and how do you feel. You
see your children grow, go to school, graduate, and move out of the house; as you enjoy a full
night's sleep and do that list of things that you have been waiting until the
kids were older.
Are you sharing this with future
with anyone else? Maybe your spouse?
We are all at different points
in our lives with our families where there is more focus on our children than
on our selves or relationship with our spouse.
How did this family start? "Because Two People Fell In Love."
This is one of my favorite quotes, it is so simple and true. None of this would be here if it wasn't for you two, the foundation for this family. To keep your family strong you need keep your
foundation strong.
But how do you do that?
Make it a priority.
Connect at moments where it is
just the two of you. It can be something
simple like just sitting and talking with each other after the kids have gone
to bed. Going together to drop someone off at an activity or running eerons
Find time that you can go out
on a date. You could trade of babysitting with a friend to save money on a
sitter. Remember dates don't need to be in the evenings. They could be in the middle
of the day or morning whatever you can make work best.
Look back on what you two did
in the beginning of your relationship, how did it all start? Revisit some of
the activities you did before: long walks, candle light dinners, board games,
and whatever else there may have been.
Then try something new. You
have both changed in countless ways even if you haven't noticed, yet. There is
such a focus on children after you have them that you may have a new interest that
you have put on the backburner. Give it a whirl. I am sure your spouse has some
things they would like to try. Be open you like you were when you started dating.
The closer you are the more
intimate you want to be. Don't forget to take trips to "Funky-Town" even if you are not in the mood. Sometimes you
just need to go to get the spark going to get the fire burning again. This can
be a win-win for any relationship.
These are all steps to start
taking now, because in 10-15 years your kids are going to be grown and
hopefully moving out of the house to start their lives. Then who is left...
those two people who fell in love, but if they are not careful it could be two
So make time to take care of
your family's foundation to help your family be stronger.
Philippians 2:2 make my joy complete
by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent
on one purpose.