Sunday, March 25, 2012

Easter Recipes

Many of you have probably heard of both resurrection cookies and rolls. But in case you haven't here are links to recipes for both.

The resurrection cookies are really meringue cookies which are naturally hollow after baking, so they are like the empty tomb! Note that they will need to stay in the oven overnight, so plan accordingly.  Click here for the recipe and related scriptures.

Resurrection rolls are similar, but can me baked and eaten the same day. It's fast and simple enough that I do it every Easter Sunday in class with my kindergarten Sunday School students. Do you know what happens when you bake a marshmallow inside a crescent roll? You are right if you said that the marshmallow "disappears", creating another empty tomb of sorts. The recipe can be found here. 

I found this on the Rhode's Dough site "...Marshmallow - the body of Jesus Melted Butter - the oils for embalming Cinnamon/Sugar mixture - spices used to anoint the body Roll- the wrapping of Jesus' body Oven - the tomb Cavity in roll - the empty tomb after Jesus has rise." 

Remember, there will be no meeting this week  March 30 (5th Friday) or on April 6 due to Good Friday. I'll miss you guys, so someone plan a playdate/outing, OK? That's too long to go without seeing one another!

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