Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Hello, Karen H.

One of our hostess with the mostest.  Karen was born and raised in St. Louis.  She has two beautiful daughters Julia (2) and Hannah (8 months) and John, her husband. She dreamed of becoming a ballerina.  Dancing around with two daughters might not be exactly what she dreamt, but it makes her days interesting. 

Faith, Family and cooking/ baking are the most important things in her life. She enjoys making her own hot coco mix to enjoy. She can enjoy it with Cinnamon Oat Crunch is her favorite cereal.

She loves to make a mess of her kitchen to recharge after a long day, if only she didn't have to clean up afterwards. Surprise, her least favorite chore dishes.  She likes to go on walks with her family as you could tell since she walks to most of our meetings.  She confesses she is a pack rat.

When she needs a time out she will spend it in the kitchen or in the shower (hopefully uninterrupted). Karen knows she is loved, was born to serve, and prays that she can  serve and love well in return. She wants  her children to know women are worth much more than their looks.  Best bit of advice she would give is: "we are all human, forgive!"

Her favorite sound is the crackle of a warm fire. She could sit back and enjoy Pride and Prejudice (book or movie version) or listen to "God Bless the Broken Road, More Life in my Day, and Smell the Color 9.  Really bad puns tickle her funny bone.

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