Friday, November 1, 2013

Connect to someone

Today we had a MOPS meeting. Thank goodness. Our topic was Avoiding Mothering Comparisons, which is a very important topic and hits most of us right in the heart. This type of topic tends to open us up to other types of comparison.

It just so happened that in our small group today we had a women who was born and raised in another country. She has married an American and was sharing her story of coming to the US and her impression of it.

She was excited and nervous coming to America. Her friends tried to put her at ease; she would be in a Christian community. She had some hurdles of her own to get over from being in a new country and needing to learn everything at once. It was stressful and hard, but she was managing slowly and difficultly. She relayed stories of where she had to start and how difficult it was, on so many levels to be where she was, when she, but knowing this is where God needed her to be.

She talked of things that she liked in both countries, but she made some unsettling observations. One of which has been napping me. It was the lack or loss of a human connection. In her country, she is surrounded by her family, friends, and church community. People visit, help, and support you. They know what is going on with you they connect on a level that we may have lost. They don't need to be asked to help. They just do it. She felt this gaping hole when she was here and hearing her speak about it I feel it, too.

We are taught to be independent. To grow up leave home and go out into the world. We are taught to use computers and text message. We are using online banking, emailing customer support, and direct depositing our offering. We are becoming more technologically savvy and we are losing our "Care Connection" to other people.

Sure, we all care about those starving kids in Africa and the people sold into slavery, but do we talk to our neighbors. Do we know their names or any of their stories? Would we be willing to help someone who didn't ask for it? Or would we be willing to ask for help?

People are willing to Scream for help after it has gotten too much for them to bear or they are so desperate because they can't handle it on their own. Have we lost those moments that we know a friend is sick and we make them soup? Or send them a card? Have we called someone lately just to hear their voice to let them know they are not alone?

Even in a Christian Community we seem stand off-ish and want to stay in our "Circle of Trust". We are who we are because of the relationships we build. We grow because of what we experience, not just learn. We are social people we need to connect on a level deeper than texting and FB chatting. We have the need to Care about other people. When we choose not to or cannot fulfill that need we will fill it with some "Thing" else. We are lost and we need help to find our way.

I am in this boat, but have made efforts to fix it. With my neighbors: I share food, make things for them, and help to shovel snow. I don't want to be floating in this ocean all by myself and I don't want my children to feel like that is what they are meant to do. Remember you are a teacher. You are responsible for helping to shape and care for children that are meant to carry on the teachings. Let's give them the most we can- let's give them lifelong friends, social skills, and a caring conscience for all of mankind.

Hebrews 10:25
Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another-and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

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