Friday, March 16, 2012

Spring Fever

It seems like the winter that wasn't may have passed and now it's time to really get outside and enjoy God's creation. (Or as one member put it "Operation Exhaust Child So He/She Will Nap!") Our group and Parkway Baptist both have lots of great things coming up on the calendar. Take a moment now to write them down so you won't forget!

Welcome to new members Molly, Melissa, and Patricia. We are excited to have you join our group.

For those who missed today, Becky Lazalier of KS Counseling shared some ideas to help us practice more Godly parenting. A few big take-away ideas:
  • Your child's behavior isn't a reflection of your self-worth. They are their own people and contrary to what we may feel, most of the time they don't do what they do to embarrass or frustrate us.
  • Every parent brings emotional baggage to the family. Do you see your not-so flattering behaviors reflected in your child? Take care changing you first, then work on your child.
  • Love is more than just kindness. It is also desiring and helping to bring out the best in someone.
  • It's not our job to protect our children from every hardship. Difficult experiences help them learn to rely on God.
  • Above all, do your children know you love God? How does He apply in your daily life? Remember, this is more than church attendance, Awana, Bible studies......
  • Check out the following passages: Proverbs 3:1-8; Ecclesiastics 3:1-8; Deuteronomy 11: 18-21; Ephesians 6:1-4.
Additional reading recommended by Becky: Love and Logic by Foster Cline & Jim Fay and Personal Growth: Inside Out by Larry Crab.

One off topic reminder - if you left a dish at the Latall's home recently, check the MOPS closet. For those of with children home this coming week, enjoy the time off! Looking forward to seeing many of you next Thursday and Friday. I'll bring my camera, but someone remind me to actually take some photos!

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